Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Free Expression

         Reading through the eight values of free expression left me feeling particularly attached to the first and fourth. These two values are the marketplace of ideas and individual self fulfillment. John Milton first suggested this set of values known as the marketplace of ideas, stating that truth will always win in the battle with falsehood. This ability to freely battle only makes truth stronger. This was his argument against requiring a license to print/publish. This argument is relevant even today, with people getting canceled/silenced on different platforms simply for sharing ideas. Very closely related to this is the fourth value, which is individual self-fulfillment. Enabling individuals to display their identity for others to see is a simple piece of human nature. That is why I am so passionate about these two values.  

It is very interesting and sort of comforting that these values have held up after so much time. The fact that we are able to look back on writings that are hundreds of years old and written by the people who set the foundation for this country is astonishing to me. The seventh value on this list, for example, proposed by Jack Balkin, even produces the idea that innovation is promoted by societies that embrace/reinforce free speech. Citizens, in this society, will seek accomplishment in varying areas. We can most certainly see this value today, with American citizens seeking to accomplish their dreams no matter the cost. I feel as though this idea is ingrained in our society so deep that it is near impossible to get rid of. 


The speech theory that I think is the most important today is Checks on Governmental power. Every citizen has a right to learn about the past abuses of power by the government. With this information, people have the ability to promote change through the ballot box. If an issue has become so prevalent that it makes someone passionate enough to vote on it, it is up to that person to take responsibility and act. This speech theory is what gives us the power to make real change when the government is doing a subpar job. Political discourse has been relevant since The United States was formed, and I do not think there will ever be a time when checks on government power is not the most important theory. 

Although I do believe every single speech theory is important to some degree, it is hard for me to deny that some have more weight than others. The marketplace of ideas, individual self-fulfillment, and checks and balances on governmental power are all a league above the rest. These 3 theories are core values ingrained in American society, and without them we would be lost. I believe these 3 values will stand the test of time, and no matter what political struggles we face, we can look back at these theories to guide us. Most importantly, we can never lose sight of any of these aspects of free expression, as that will lead to a slippery slope in which everyone loses their freedom little by little. 

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