Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Modern First Amendment Issues

  It is often difficult to find news outlets that report the truth, or even conflicting opinions with the mainstream media outlets. Why is that? Most notably, I believe the most prevalent reason that antiwar voices are so hard to come by is that the government does not promote them in any form of mainstream media. Two of these antiwar websites are The American Conservative and Antiwar.com. Antiwar voices could potentially negatively affect the financial situation of the government, which is enough motivation to essentially shadow ban anyone that holds an antiwar point of view. Due to these shadow bans, the only places to find anti war websites are obscure and hard to seek out. Not only is it important that these voices be heard, it is important to take note of what the mainstream news outlets report on. Based on these reports, it starts to become clear that they only publish stories to further their own agendas and push whatever narrative it is they are trying to sell. There is not even much to be done about this, as honesty is a rare feature when it comes to modern mainstream news outlets, and there is no real way to verify the information that they put out without searching for these hard-to-reach sites.

I truly do not know if/when the mainstream media will ever become reliable for the general public. As for right now, we must resort to searching for other sources of news, sources that report the truth without any of the biased narratives that most outlets push. This corruption in the name of money has been spreading to many industries, and seems to only be getting worse with time. There are many examples of the U.S. Government utilizing censorship in order to control the public’s knowledge on a given situation. Some of these examples include political false flags such as the Sinking of the Maine, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Iraq, and the Bucha Massacre. All of these events were twisted by the government and the media until the truth was impossible to come by. Who knows what else is being hidden from us today?

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