Wednesday, February 15, 2023

EOTO #1 Presentation Post (Motion Pictures)

 I took interest in the motion picture presentation, mostly due to the fact that I love the history of movies and the cinema community as a whole. During the presentation, I learned that Louis Le Prince was the first person to create a motion picture film, even though most people credit this accomplishment to Thomas Eddison. One of the highlighted impacts that motion pictures had according to the presentation are that it gave people reason/motivation to travel. People had never seen destinations the way they could with motion pictures, and it instilled a sense of adventure in them, which led to many wanting to travel to experience these places themselves. 

The history of cinema is fascinating, from black and white to HD. The film trends that are set, all the different genres of movies, and the general culture surrounding movies are all great examples of what an impactful communication technology should look like. I love that there are movies that are hailed as classics or must-watches for anyone who enjoys movies, and I love the discussion that comes after sharing the movie experience with someone. Discerning the messages behind each scene, absorbing the score, and critiquing the directing/acting are all key aspects of movie viewing. 

Additionally, motion pictures paved the way for communication by breaking social norms. Motion picture viewings brought together many groups of people who would not otherwise congregate, which led to shared experiences with these groups that strengthened their relationship. It was not uncommon to find several ethnic groups all sharing the movie experience and having a fun discussion about it. In this way, motion pictures were one of the greatest tools for bringing people together, and they still are today. The culture around movies and movie theaters is one of fun times and great discussion. Movies are an awesome technological accomplishment that both entertains us and brings our communities closer to one another,

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