Thursday, January 19, 2023

Online Privacy

        Privacy in the modern era is a very important topic, and it comes with a large array of issues that affect not only yourself, but your friends and family as well. The TED Talk that compares the data that you willingly give to corporations such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, credit cards, etc. to tattoos really puts into perspective how permanent it is. Companies store this information for the long term, similar to how a tattoo lasts forever. Using the data that is collected and stored through deception techniques, these corporations can record your calls/conversations and share them with 3rd parties. 

Even more concerning is what information the police are able to collect through surveillance. Police departments are able to inexpensively store information of innocent citizens, such as photos of people simply going about their day. They are able to determine what dentist you go to, use license plate trackers to determine who is going where, and map out who is going to which neighborhoods, all without consent. City councils have the ability to govern their local police departments, and can get them to dispose of the stored information on innocent people. This is one of the possible government solutions to the issue. 

When it comes to protecting yourself from these invasions of privacy, there are a few precautions you can take using your cell phone. Ensuring you use tools that are secure and encrypted in order to communicate is one of these precautions. Luckily, Apple encrypts all of their communication relays by default, meaning the messaging app you use as well as FaceTime calls are generally safe and hard to decrypt. The simple fact that we have to worry about how to communicate with others using our phones is shocking and dystopian. 

Juan Enriquez TED Talk

Catherine Crump TED Talk

Christopher Soghoian

Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad TED Talk

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