Thursday, February 23, 2023

Frontline and AI


This video was extremely an insightful look into the world of AI and the evolution it has gone through over the years. It gave us a glimpse into what AI has done for and to humanity since its conception. Frontline has shown the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating AI into daily life, some of which provide hope for the future, and others are terrifying. The main concept of the 2nd half of the video, the key takeaway is that AI is mainly used for wealth creation. Through the use of targeted ads, it is clear that most large companies use AI to increase the monetary gap between them and small companies, in order to make the most money possible. 

Unemployment/Losing Jobs

The main worry here is that the rich have become too rich, however, it also means that many people have lost their jobs, due to them being replaced by AI/automation. Notable consequences of this include the standard of living dropping by 15% in the last 15 years, an increase risk of mortality after people lose their job, and children being more likely to repeat grades or drop out of school. 

Surveillance - The Main Disadvantage

This is the scary part. In the Frontline video, Google home surveillance is shown in full display. Things like Alexa, Google Home, and other home appliances are shown to be listening to everything that happens in a household, with the ability to acknowledge and respond accordingly. All of this data is collected and potentially stored without the users’ permission. This aspect of AI is scary, and is why many are critical of the technology. 

On a Positive Note

Most people in the AI industry agree that as long as countries are able to come together to collaborate on advancing this technology, it can bring about some sort of enlightenment. AI could potentially liberate the world of menial jobs, allowing us to focus on greater problems and increase our standard of living. However, if we do not work together, it can have grave consequences on the world. The main issues here are the limits on the government, and it is believed that every country will most likely go above and beyond its limits to violate the privacy of individuals.

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