Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 News Sources

 1. My number one source of information online is Twitter. Twitter is effective in the way it shows you information, and often gives you multiple sides of a story depending on who you follow. Twitter is also very convenient to use, and Tweets are short and condensed, making the information easy to absorb. I would recommend Twitter to anyone who is just looking for a short summary of news. 

2. ESPN is my second top news source, purely because I like to stay updated in sports/football news. This includes trades, drafts, standings, etc. ESPN provides solid NFL coverage and I can usually find what I am looking for here. I would recommend anyone who enjoys staying up to date with sports news use ESPN to do so. 

3. My third news site on this list is Google News. Google News has the advantage of being very compatible with smartphones, and can be set up to show headlines whenever someone turns on their phone. Fair warning, reliable news from Google can be hit or miss, and it should not be ones primary source of information, nor should everything from Google be taken as fact right away. This is simply a quick, easy way to stay updated on hot and trending news. 

4. My number four top news source is simply my friends and family. Often times the first time I hear about some kind of current event is from friends or my family at some kind of gathering. I know what to expect when listening to some friends, depending on their opinions on certain subjects, but their information is conveyed clearly and often enough to be in my number four spot. 

5. My final top news source is Instagram. Instagram has a feature known as reels, which allows users to share short videos to their followers. News accounts on Instagram will often share short videos summarizing a story. These videos reach a large audience, as people can come across them just scrolling, not even looking for news. 

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