Thursday, February 16, 2023

Diffusion and Trains

 The theory of diffusion is composed of five main elements that explain why new ideas/innovations spread. These elements are the innovation, time, the social system in which it exists, the adopter in this social system, and communication channels. Through the lens of these 5 elements, I would like to take a look at the invention of the train, which first became operational in 1830. This innovation of coal-fueled machinery on rails was so popular because it was an efficient method of transporting heavy objects used in many industries. So many people adopted this new innovation because without it, they would simply not be able to compete with others in the industry. 

Trains/locomotives were such a lucrative industry that many became early adopters, if they had enough money. This can be considered a negative about the invention, however. It was not cheap to buy and maintain many locomotives. Not to mention the process of constructing the railroads taking years at a time. These were the main reasons that a lot of people were late adopters of trains. I cannot see any true negatives to society that result directly from the invention of the train, besides the destruction of some landscapes/mountains that was necessary for the construction of some railroads. One could argue that trains were worth the destruction of land, however. Another “negative” that is more prevalent today is the simple fact that trains are not in their prime anymore due to many people owning personal cars and other methods of public transportation being more convenient. 

I do believe that any negatives that resulted from this innovation were worth it, if not for the simple fact that trains and railroads did so much for the construction of America. In some ways, this invention could be considered a communication technology, as it allowed some people to meet others that they would not have met otherwise, and that is another reason that trains' positives outweigh the negatives. Overall, the diffusion theory shines a very positive light on trains and other transportation technology.  

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