Wednesday, March 1, 2023

EOTO #2 Presentation Post (Alternative Media)

        Alternative media is any media outside of the mainstream. Some examples of alternative media include graffiti and other expressive art forms that are not promoted by official outlets. Anyone can make use of alternative media, and there are plenty of ways for people to do so. Any expression that is able to operate outside the bounds of official businesses or corporations belongs to the alternative media tagline, and it has many different uses. The greatest example being Martin Luther’s use of alternative media during reformation. 

An important key concept that was covered during the presentations about alternative media is that it spawns in contrast to the mainstream. In the modern era, it is clear that alternative media is coming down on the concept of objectivity, and seeks to question the reliability of the sources we uses to obtain our news every single day. This is not all good, however, and it is important to note that some alternative media sources can become echo chambers, such as the American Conservative. An echo chamber being a community of people who all share the same idea and mindset and don't consider any contrasting viewpoints. On top of the hazardous potential echo chamber, fringe outlets are also dangerous. These are alternative media outlets that have more radical viewpoints, and are a lot less trustworthy than most outlets. 

The final point about alternative media that I would like to cover from the presentation is that it can change over time. What is considered “alternative” has changed many times since it was first conceived. The views of the public are  constantly changing, and its perception of right and wrong obviously does the same. It is only natural that the content that people make changes with these times as well. Something that is perceived as fringe, radical, or alternative can become popular in the blink of an eye, and vice versa. 

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