Thursday, April 6, 2023

My Relationship With Technology

I believe that I have a healthy relationship with technology, and I try to avoid any and all negative interactions with technology as I find possible. I like to see technology as a useful tool, one that I can use to improve my life in as many areas as I can. The reason I consider this relationship healthy is that I am able to moderate my use of it throughout my day. Of course, there have been many times that I found myself slipping in this area, and I became too reliant on technology for my own happiness. Now that I am more mature and am able to control myself better, I mostly see technology as a helpful resource, rather than a harmful one. 

In regards to information, technology and media is a double edged sword. On one hand, it has never been easier to stay up to date with current events and news. On the other, so many outlets reporting this news are corrupt and only seek to further their own agendas, regardless of what it means for the public. I like to think that I am good at weeding out fraudulent or biased information on the internet, so that I am only left with those who report mostly facts. In this regard, I do believe that technology has made me smarter, as I am able to identify what information is worth my time looking into, giving me more time to become educated on whatever it is I am researching.

This is not to say, however, that I do not worry about the impact this widespread misinformation has on others. Far too often do I see my friends or colleagues perpetuating news articles that are just blatantly biased or completely false, and those that they spread it too continue to spread it. Information travels around the internet so quickly in this age that it is almost impossible to stop this from occurring. I don’t think I'll ever get to a point in my life where I am comfortable or even slightly ok with this reality, but I have come to accept that it is something I will have to deal with for the foreseeable future. For example, my mom is an avid watcher of Fox News, a news outlet that isn’t exactly reliable for reporting just the facts on a given situation, and I often have to explain that they have other motives outside good journalism.

All of this information ties into my own digital footprint as well, including what information can be found about me online. Fortunately, I have been great at keeping my digital footprint minimal, unless it is related to my profession. Outside of this, I do not have much of an online presence, aside from my Instagram, which only holds a handful of pictures of me. When I Google myself, the first result is my LinkedIn profile, which holds all of my academic and career information, perfect for an employer trying to find out what qualifications I have. As far as I know, there is nothing concerning that I would need to edit out of my digital footprint.

Overall, the use of social media and technology has had a positive impact on my life, and I have learned to use it in moderation to minimize risk when using these tools. This class has contributed to this, and I have gained skills that will help me continue to make the most out of the internet and technology in the future. I can also use these skills to help my family, friends, and peers use the internet’s resources in an effective manner, and inform them of the signs of misinformation so that they do not contribute to this ever expanding issue.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

EOTO #2 Presentation Post (Alternative Media)

        Alternative media is any media outside of the mainstream. Some examples of alternative media include graffiti and other expressive art forms that are not promoted by official outlets. Anyone can make use of alternative media, and there are plenty of ways for people to do so. Any expression that is able to operate outside the bounds of official businesses or corporations belongs to the alternative media tagline, and it has many different uses. The greatest example being Martin Luther’s use of alternative media during reformation. 

An important key concept that was covered during the presentations about alternative media is that it spawns in contrast to the mainstream. In the modern era, it is clear that alternative media is coming down on the concept of objectivity, and seeks to question the reliability of the sources we uses to obtain our news every single day. This is not all good, however, and it is important to note that some alternative media sources can become echo chambers, such as the American Conservative. An echo chamber being a community of people who all share the same idea and mindset and don't consider any contrasting viewpoints. On top of the hazardous potential echo chamber, fringe outlets are also dangerous. These are alternative media outlets that have more radical viewpoints, and are a lot less trustworthy than most outlets. 

The final point about alternative media that I would like to cover from the presentation is that it can change over time. What is considered “alternative” has changed many times since it was first conceived. The views of the public are  constantly changing, and its perception of right and wrong obviously does the same. It is only natural that the content that people make changes with these times as well. Something that is perceived as fringe, radical, or alternative can become popular in the blink of an eye, and vice versa. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Frontline and AI


This video was extremely an insightful look into the world of AI and the evolution it has gone through over the years. It gave us a glimpse into what AI has done for and to humanity since its conception. Frontline has shown the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating AI into daily life, some of which provide hope for the future, and others are terrifying. The main concept of the 2nd half of the video, the key takeaway is that AI is mainly used for wealth creation. Through the use of targeted ads, it is clear that most large companies use AI to increase the monetary gap between them and small companies, in order to make the most money possible. 

Unemployment/Losing Jobs

The main worry here is that the rich have become too rich, however, it also means that many people have lost their jobs, due to them being replaced by AI/automation. Notable consequences of this include the standard of living dropping by 15% in the last 15 years, an increase risk of mortality after people lose their job, and children being more likely to repeat grades or drop out of school. 

Surveillance - The Main Disadvantage

This is the scary part. In the Frontline video, Google home surveillance is shown in full display. Things like Alexa, Google Home, and other home appliances are shown to be listening to everything that happens in a household, with the ability to acknowledge and respond accordingly. All of this data is collected and potentially stored without the users’ permission. This aspect of AI is scary, and is why many are critical of the technology. 

On a Positive Note

Most people in the AI industry agree that as long as countries are able to come together to collaborate on advancing this technology, it can bring about some sort of enlightenment. AI could potentially liberate the world of menial jobs, allowing us to focus on greater problems and increase our standard of living. However, if we do not work together, it can have grave consequences on the world. The main issues here are the limits on the government, and it is believed that every country will most likely go above and beyond its limits to violate the privacy of individuals.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

False Flags

A false flag is an operation that is set in motion with the purpose of deceiving the public, the disguising of responsibility, misrepresentation, or pinning blame on another party. Most false flags are covert and orchestrated by governments or other political powers. In this post, I am going to cover a few of the most notable false flags in recent history, with the intention of discerning a detectable pattern in the lies of world powers. I will provide a brief summary of the event, and then go into further detail about the similarities of the events, how they affect our lives, and why they are so bad for society. 

The first false flag I want to cover is the sinking of the USS Maine. This ship sunk on February 15, 1898 under extremely mysterious circumstances, and the U.S. Government pinned the blame on Spain. This action shattered the relations between the U.S. and Spain, and eventually led to the Spanish-American War. Next is the Gulf of Tonkin incident in August of 1964, in which U.S. warships were “attacked” by North Vietnamese warships. Following this event, testaments from officials regarding the attack were extremely contradictory. Even so, blame was placed on Vietnam, which led to the Vietnam War. The third false flag I want to cover is the Iraq War and the controversy around weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. government claims that Irad access to WMDs, which was a false pretense that led to the Iraq War. The most significant quote from this event comes from President George W. Bush, who said “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”. The fourth and final false flag I am going to mention here is the most recent, the Bucha Massacre. This event consisted of the slaughtering of civilians in Kyiv, Ukraine in March of 2022. Russia was condemned for this event, despite them fervently denying any involvement. Tensions escalated and eventually came to fruition in the form of a declaration of war between Russia and Ukraine. 

Taking a look at these events through the lens of a false flag, a pattern becomes clear. There seems to always be mysterious circumstances surrounding the events, people who try to publish conflicting stories are censored and silenced, and the responsibility is shifted as far away as possible. Through a false flag operation, the governments and political bodies are able to convince the public of anything they want, as most will take their word for it. Additionally, they can censor anyone who tries to speak the truth with no repercussions, and can shift the blame to whoever they want. Essentially, governments can control what the public thinks, and all of their opinions on everyone in the world. This spells disaster for our generation. If we can’t trust the government, then how are we supposed to feel safe in our home country? These seeds of doubt should be planted in everyone in our generation, and we must do our best to come to our own conclusions about the happenings of the world.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Diffusion and Trains

 The theory of diffusion is composed of five main elements that explain why new ideas/innovations spread. These elements are the innovation, time, the social system in which it exists, the adopter in this social system, and communication channels. Through the lens of these 5 elements, I would like to take a look at the invention of the train, which first became operational in 1830. This innovation of coal-fueled machinery on rails was so popular because it was an efficient method of transporting heavy objects used in many industries. So many people adopted this new innovation because without it, they would simply not be able to compete with others in the industry. 

Trains/locomotives were such a lucrative industry that many became early adopters, if they had enough money. This can be considered a negative about the invention, however. It was not cheap to buy and maintain many locomotives. Not to mention the process of constructing the railroads taking years at a time. These were the main reasons that a lot of people were late adopters of trains. I cannot see any true negatives to society that result directly from the invention of the train, besides the destruction of some landscapes/mountains that was necessary for the construction of some railroads. One could argue that trains were worth the destruction of land, however. Another “negative” that is more prevalent today is the simple fact that trains are not in their prime anymore due to many people owning personal cars and other methods of public transportation being more convenient. 

I do believe that any negatives that resulted from this innovation were worth it, if not for the simple fact that trains and railroads did so much for the construction of America. In some ways, this invention could be considered a communication technology, as it allowed some people to meet others that they would not have met otherwise, and that is another reason that trains' positives outweigh the negatives. Overall, the diffusion theory shines a very positive light on trains and other transportation technology.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

EOTO #1 Presentation Post (Motion Pictures)

 I took interest in the motion picture presentation, mostly due to the fact that I love the history of movies and the cinema community as a whole. During the presentation, I learned that Louis Le Prince was the first person to create a motion picture film, even though most people credit this accomplishment to Thomas Eddison. One of the highlighted impacts that motion pictures had according to the presentation are that it gave people reason/motivation to travel. People had never seen destinations the way they could with motion pictures, and it instilled a sense of adventure in them, which led to many wanting to travel to experience these places themselves. 

The history of cinema is fascinating, from black and white to HD. The film trends that are set, all the different genres of movies, and the general culture surrounding movies are all great examples of what an impactful communication technology should look like. I love that there are movies that are hailed as classics or must-watches for anyone who enjoys movies, and I love the discussion that comes after sharing the movie experience with someone. Discerning the messages behind each scene, absorbing the score, and critiquing the directing/acting are all key aspects of movie viewing. 

Additionally, motion pictures paved the way for communication by breaking social norms. Motion picture viewings brought together many groups of people who would not otherwise congregate, which led to shared experiences with these groups that strengthened their relationship. It was not uncommon to find several ethnic groups all sharing the movie experience and having a fun discussion about it. In this way, motion pictures were one of the greatest tools for bringing people together, and they still are today. The culture around movies and movie theaters is one of fun times and great discussion. Movies are an awesome technological accomplishment that both entertains us and brings our communities closer to one another,

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Modern First Amendment Issues

  It is often difficult to find news outlets that report the truth, or even conflicting opinions with the mainstream media outlets. Why is that? Most notably, I believe the most prevalent reason that antiwar voices are so hard to come by is that the government does not promote them in any form of mainstream media. Two of these antiwar websites are The American Conservative and Antiwar voices could potentially negatively affect the financial situation of the government, which is enough motivation to essentially shadow ban anyone that holds an antiwar point of view. Due to these shadow bans, the only places to find anti war websites are obscure and hard to seek out. Not only is it important that these voices be heard, it is important to take note of what the mainstream news outlets report on. Based on these reports, it starts to become clear that they only publish stories to further their own agendas and push whatever narrative it is they are trying to sell. There is not even much to be done about this, as honesty is a rare feature when it comes to modern mainstream news outlets, and there is no real way to verify the information that they put out without searching for these hard-to-reach sites.

I truly do not know if/when the mainstream media will ever become reliable for the general public. As for right now, we must resort to searching for other sources of news, sources that report the truth without any of the biased narratives that most outlets push. This corruption in the name of money has been spreading to many industries, and seems to only be getting worse with time. There are many examples of the U.S. Government utilizing censorship in order to control the public’s knowledge on a given situation. Some of these examples include political false flags such as the Sinking of the Maine, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Iraq, and the Bucha Massacre. All of these events were twisted by the government and the media until the truth was impossible to come by. Who knows what else is being hidden from us today?

My Relationship With Technology

I believe that I have a healthy relationship with technology, and I try to avoid any and all negative interactions with technology as I find...